The Biblical Principle of 'Covering'
1 min read

The Biblical Principle of 'Covering'

I appreciate when pastors explain biblical principles. In a recent sermon our pastor spoke about the principle of "Covering" from the story of the prodigal son.

After listening to this sermon I feel that I can use the term "Covering" in a more intentional way. It's no longer a churchy word that I will use loosely.

In short to 'cover' is to physically cover vulnerabilities, give identity and direction and to invest in another who is submitted to you.

The father covering the prodigal son is that example of this from Luke 15, but I'm recognizing that this principle isn't limited to the family or spiritual dynamic. It can extend to any organization like a company or a sports team.

So what of it? Well, now I know my responsibility as the head of my household includes covering my family as a whole and for the individual family members. I've got to:

  1. Ensure no vulnerabilities are exposed
  2. Give a unique sense of identity for being apart of this family
  3. Give clear direction for the family collectively and individual family members specifically
  4. Invest in the family and its members to help accomplish family and individual goals.