Just a thought
1 min read

Just a thought

In American Christiandom there is a mindset that Jesus followers are supposed to be 'perfect'.  People don't say this but they (believers and non-believers alike) do expect us to be sinless. I can hear people now "Well, I know that Christians aren't sinless but we aren't perfect." Although that is what is said, this doesn't match how people perceive other's sins or struggles.

The examples of this in recent years is with men that I've looked up to, in some degree, in the past. Chris Hogan, Bill Cosby, Will Smith, Ravi Zacharias -  I'm sure the list goes on for me. We were fine with these men when they were operating in their gifting. But when their sin nature was exposed our view of them was tainted.

I think that Police Commissioner Reagan in Blue Bloods says it best - "We judge ourselves based on our intentions but others judge us based on our actions." We can get caught up in this but what is more important is how God judges us right?