Rethinking my blog
1 min read

Rethinking my blog

Just a thought, but I am thinking about restructuring my website. What I mean by this is that I'm am thinking about removing all barriers and letting this site be about my thoughts.

As I think out loud I'm going back and forth on this if I really want to do that. The reason I'm considering this is because I want to be totally free to write and share what I want, when I want, how I want. I don't really care about doing the 'right thing' here. I think I ultimately want a creative outlet.

It doesn't matter if I am the only consumer of my blog content. I have found that I really do enjoy organizing my thoughts in words and sharing them. So yeah, I do want people to read, but the point of this is not for people to read. That's an output. A result. And it's not the only output metric that I think is important.

I want to focus on my input. Writing, thinking, organizing etc. All of this is so that I  can better communicate in general. So whether that be via this blog or something else, my proficiency to communicate with be a direct result of this blog.

It's a journey for me and perhaps this is just the online version of my tradional handwritten journals. I will be able to look back and remember where and how far I've come. But this isn't for others. It's for me.

So I'm rethinking this as my online journal. A little more polished than my tradional handwritten journals but still my brain poured out on the page (or uh post I guess I should say 🙂).