Renewed Resolve

A couple of weeks back we visited friends and completed our vision boards for 2023. This activity has become somewhat of a tradition for us now and I look forward to it every December/January.

This year I tried to incorporate elements that I could really use a regular visual reminder - like the family clippings.

Growing family

I intentionally made sure to include all relationship combinations. In other words, you can see that I've placed clippings that represent: me and wife, me and son, the whole family (all three of us), and our future family (to include another child).

These clippings remind me to nurture every combination of relationships in my family.

So I didn't notice this until now, but the clipping that represents me and my wife is the biggest of the family clippings. That wasn't on purpose but I think it is fitting. My marriage relationship must be prioritized.

Interior Design

Another prominent part of my vision board is the bottom left corner that has a well designed office space. This clipping is representing my desire to make our house a beautiful home. And I will start with my personal office.

For so long I have focused more on the 'function' of interior design while sacrificing 'aesthetic' but now I want both and I won't settle for less. Now that we are homeowners I want our space to reflect our personalities, desire and inspiration etc. So I have made up my mind to learn more about interior design this year and beyond.


Settled in the middle of the board are small clippings. Home Depot to remind me of making the house our home. A picture of a house because I desire to own multiple properties. A chess board because I want to build my own chess set from scratch out of wood. And finally a single book.


The clipping of Prince Harry's book is significant for me in a number of ways. Now I haven't read the book (and don't intent to read it🙈) but the clipping represents the fact that I will write my own book.

Similar to how Harry took the intuitive to write his memoir, I will do the same. I may not  publish my own memoir right now, but I will and I am writing a book. I have ideas to share and would love to organize my thoughts in such away that people can obtain these thoughts from a book.

That's not it thought. This clipping also represents my desire to create audiobooks.

I think that this would be a fun and creative venture for me while also developing a new skillset. I would love to be one to create audiobooks for other Christian authors - allowing them to more easily share their ideas.

The words

I've also included some words and phrases that are pretty self explanatory:

  • Family
  • Make Every Day a Celebration
  • Give Thanks!
  • Collaboration
  • Renewed Resolve


I'm convinced that I am not able to get the results I want to by myself. Therefore this year and beyond I am partnering with others because I know we all see greater results.

This could be simply collaborating better with my wife to create meaningful experiences with our growing family. Or it can be a bigger effort in collaborating with other believers to create unique Christian content for the internet. No longer am I going alone.

Renewed Resolve

I don't do "New Year's Resolutions" but I am committing to a resolve. This is a bit different because instead of focusing on the things that I want to do or accomplish, I am committing to a change in mindset: regularly renewing my resolve to think differently, better and greater.

I resolve to start to write my book this year.

I resolve to collaborate with others to create Christian content.

I resolve to design my office in a functional and visually aesthetic way.

This clipping is at the bottom of the board so it's my foundation of self talk for this year. I love the "Renewed" piece because it reminds me that I don't have to wait until next year to clean up my thinking when I stray from my path.

I can renew my resolve as frequently as needed.
