Praying about physical health
2 min read

Praying about physical health

I didn't watch the sermon from sunday so I don't have anything on that front. But I did have prayer with family and I got to lead it. On my mind I had my physical health in mind, since I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I have a dad pooch which I don't like. Also a friend of mine had asked for prayer as his wife is preparing for surgery on her back. Also my son has weekly appointments because of the recent surgeries hes had on his eyes. So the physical was on my mind.

As I was sharing this with the call I was reminded of 1 Corinthian 6: 19-20 that gives us insight on how we are to think about and use our bodies.

First is the mindset, we have to know that our bodies are not our own - we are stewards because our bodies belong to God. In more ways than one as well. Prior to accepting Christ as savior we were enslaved to sin and death - in other words we belonged to sin, we were owned by it. Which is interesting to say because sin isn't a person, how can it own anything - that's a nice question to think about.

We are made in the image of God so even before the fall we didn't own our bodies. Our image declares that we belong to another and not ourselves.

The other half of this thought is that we are to use our bodies in a way that glorifies God - is this not a command for new testament saints? Hmm.

The reasonable question to ask now is how do we do this when we don't feel like submitting? I think the reminder comes from the beginning of the verse that states how the holy spirit is the one who resides in your body. I think about the arc of the covenant in the OT.  The people protected and cared for the arc because it was there that God would meet with them via the priest and there were consequences. Which perhaps is the true reason why people maintained honor for this physical thing.

Maybe that is what is missing for me. I need to develop a holy fear of having the holy spirit reside in me. But also remember the power that comes with having the Holy Spirit reside in me...hmm..what are some ways that I can develop this holy fear and honor? What consequences can I give myself to discourage me from sinful living?