How I developed my prayer life
2 min read

How I developed my prayer life

How I developed my prayer life
Photo by Jack Sharp / Unsplash

Have you ever wondered about the true essence of prayer? Is it simply a religious obligation, or is it something more liberating? I'll be honest, my prayer journey hasn't been perfect. But I've come to realize that prayer is not just a discipline; it's sacred communication with God and can be very creative.

Breaking the Mold of Traditional Prayer

When we communicate with a person we do so in different ways—face-to-face conversations, phone calls, video chats, texts, emails, notes, etc. We are essentially transporting our word in some form or fashion, e.g., phone.

Since prayer is communication with God we also transport our words in some fashion. Traditional methods have been to be pray silently through our hearts and minds when we pray alone. Or by speaking our words out loud with our mouths when praying with others.

Just like there are many methods of communicating with other people, there are more ways to communicate with God. Here are some that I've found helpful in my prayer life.

Penning Our Hearts

Writing down my prayers has been a soul-stirring experience for me. Grabbing my journal and pouring out my adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplications to our heavenly Abba through a pen has helped me to stay focused when I'm tempted to ramble during my personal prayer time.

Inspired by Scripture

The Bible is full of dialogues between man and God. Jesus, in particular, left us with prayers that touch the core of our souls. (One of my favorites is from John 17).

Use the prayers of Christ as a model for you own prayers. Read and meditate on them to find direction and inspiration in your own conversations with God.

The Voice Recordings

Here's where I really get to be innovative! I discovered that recording my prayers as voice memos brings an unexpected depth to my connection with God.

There have been days when I struggle to pray, but having my pre-recorded voice praying for myself has assisted me greatly. It's akin to having someone pray over you and brings a sense of peace and healing during those difficult times.

Kneeling and Prostrating

Sometimes, a physical gesture can communicate so much more than words. Kneeling or prostrating before God in your quite time creates a profound sense of reverence and humility.

Although we don't have 'physical' requirements for prayer, I've learned that modifying my posture can help me to humble my heart, which impacts how I communicate with God.


So, here's what I've discovered on my journey of prayer: it's not a rigid routine, but a beautiful and transformative art of communication with God.

Break free from the conventional norms and embrace the beauty of creatively communicating with God. Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works for your unique relationship with Him.

As long as you have His Word and His Spirit, you've got what you need.

Go ahead, and talk to Him!