My life vision
1 min read

My life vision

Listening to "The Table with Anthony O'Neal" this morning encouraged me to write down my life vision. So I'm taking some time to just do it.

To be honest, I'm a bit scared to do so. Writing a vision and making it clear disarms me of making any excuses for why I'm not achieving my goals that are derived from the vision.

Sure, I have a vision board. And I glance at it from time to time. It's definitely inspirational and I ultimately know what all the clippings mean. But what is lacking is the specificity of the vision. So how can I expect to get there if I don't clarify what it means?

Sigh. Hmm. I'm also tempted to make some excuses for why not to again, lets just do it.

My life vision. I want to teach God's word. I want to build memories with my family and friends. I want to contribute significantly to the people I love most and causes I care about most. I want to be free. I want to write and read so that I can share ideas and help people understand thing which they didn't understand before.

I want to live long. I want to use my mind to create solutions. I want to maximize my skills and abilities.

What about the negative? I think providing clarity increases when we define what our vision is "not".

I don't want to use my energy on things that are not significant or lasting. I don't want to waste the resources I have. I don't want to waste my skills and abilities. I don't want to spend time on things that can be delegated or automated. I don't want to die before 70. I don't want to live a life complaining. I don't want to regret anything.

I think this is a start.

My hope is that my vision will become clearly with each day because I'm convinced that having a clear vision will help me to focus on what matters the most instead of wasting time, energy, money on things that don't really matter.

I think with this I'll be able to funnel my opportunities through to determine if I should pursue it or not.