Overcoming the Hesitation: Investing in Myself
2 min read

Overcoming the Hesitation: Investing in Myself

Let's be honest—I'm coming to realize the importance of this. I've watched countless videos, delved into numerous books, and I know that the right tools can significantly boost productivity. Still, I find it challenging to invest in the tools I need.

For years, I've settled for the cheapest options or even gone without. Spending on myself has always been a bit of a touchy subject. When it comes to personal spending, there's a constant need to justify it, both to others and to myself.

Old Paradigm

This mindset I've developed says that I don't really deserve to spend on myself. Blunt, yes, but that's the truth of it. This belief has taken root within me and has grown over time.

When I was younger, spending money on myself felt like a waste. Why? I can't really say. It was just a belief that I accepted and refused to let go.

The way I'd allow myself to spend was if it was a genuine necessity or if I had delayed the purchase for far too long.

From Wooly B to BA

Take the example of when I put off going to the barber just to avoid spending my dad's money. I ignored getting a haircut for an extended period, only caving when things reached a dire point. Trust me, it wasn't a pretty sight!

Now that I'm older, the mindset hasn't changed all that much. A recent example is the purchase of a wide-screen monitor. It's a 34" ultra-wide monitor I've been eyeing for years, but honestly, I've needed it for years too.

My work as a business analyst often involves juggling multiple documents, and having more screen space would be a game-changer. But I hesitated for so long in getting the monitor I wanted (and needed) for myself. And why? Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. Well, maybe I am.

New Paradigm

I've realized that I carry a sense of guilt when I spend on things that directly impact only me.

I understand that my thinking here isn't positive, and I'm hopeful that this newfound awareness will help me shift my perspective. So, I'm working on drafting a new mindset.

Investing in myself doesn't mean I'm robbing my loved ones.

This is a starting point, and I'll refine it to reflect what I truly intend.