Why does Pastor John Journal?

This week's internet finds. Check it out!

  • Pen vs Pencil: What Is Better for Using?
  • Human actions that control the weather
  • Why does Pastor John Journal?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Pen vs Pencil: What Is Better for Using?

Have you picked a side yet? I'm team pen, but this article makes a good case for the benefits of pencils. Spoiler alert, the article concluded that you should use whatever tool works best for your purposes.

Photo by Hanson Lu / Unsplash

Human actions that controlled the weather

The old and new testament scriptures speak about how one man (not talking about Jesus) who controlled the weather. As new covenant saints, we are encourage to do what this man did. I've summarized my findings here.

Courtesy of desiringgod.org

Why does Pastor John Journal?

Pastor John Piper says he doesn't keep a diary, but a journal. It's a tool that he uses to see and know Christ. He also calls his journal an "occasional thought notebook" and a "counselor's office" of sorts. He also encourages others to use their journals for organizing. Check out the full interview here

Keep being great my friend,
