What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail?
2 min read

What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What would I do? The first thing that comes to mind is sky diving and parachute jumping.

In the past I've said that I wanted to do this but I never did anything to actually do it. And when I got married my desire to jump out of a plane declined. Now that I have a child I definitely don't want to do it right now. TBH, the risk of dying is too costly for my family.

Sure there are things to do to help minimize the risk of dying from these stunts, but the nature of the activity is already very dangerous.

Lol so it does make me think about driving/riding in a car or getting on an airplane. These modes of transportation are dangerous by nature too. Traveling in a box at unnatural speeds is dangerous. And given the amount of cars on the roads increases chances of a crash. There are so many variables that are outside of your control.

Hmm. Now when it comes to sky diving, bungee jump and free falling stunts they are dangerous by nature but there aren't as many variables that are out of your control. The only prime variable that I can think of that is not in your control is gravity. But with science we know how to manage that aspect that is not in our control.

So it makes me wonder, if riding or driving a car is more dangerous than sky diving? Man IDK. But it is interesting to think that I'm okay with driving my car daily and sometimes with my family but not want to sky dive because I think sky diving is more dangerous.

What about the end vs the means? I think a case can be made to say well, the means of driving a car is so that you get to your destination. And the means of sky diving is for personal thrill and entertainment. One could say a destination is more important than personal thrill. Perhaps that is correct.

But for me it's not even about the reality of which activity is safer or not, it really comes down to my belief. I think this is the case for everyone. Our actions are driven by belief regardless of truth. Or maybe a better way of putting it is that our actions are highly influenced by belief not truth. Hmm, actually I think the way I put it first is correct.

So in light of that I'd say it is important to modify our thinking to line up with truth. So that our actions, though driven by belief, are ultimately resting on truth.

I can't say that I'm there, but I'm learning and strengthening my thinking and understanding of this. Lets continue to move forward and not default our belief system without challenging our assumptions. If we challenge them we give ourselves the opportunity to uncover truth we didn't realize before or we will strengthen the truth we already know.

The result should always be a strengthening of our beliefs in a good way because they will be strengthened by truth, which never changes.