I didn't journal for a month
2 min read

I didn't journal for a month

Recently, I backslid into self destructive behaviors and stinkin' thinkin'. I knew becoming a new parent would bring challenges but I did not anticipate how difficult it would be for me personally.

In the month of April 2022 (the month after my son's birth) my journal habit tracking was virtually blank...meaning I didn't record my habits....because I didn't complete them 😞. This means my regular habits of praying, writing, reading and reciting the Bible were all neglected. And as a result, the consequences of this inaction showed up in my thinking and my behaviors.

Despite having ample help from friends and family, being a ministry leader, and being on paternity leave, I still backslid.

It started with lack of sleep, which is expected for parents of a newborn, but  I let this get in the way of spending quality time with Abba (God).

Whenever I don't spend regular quality time with Him, everything seems to get derailed, hence my blank April 2022 habit tracker. But thankfully with the help of sharing with others, confession and prayer my fog is lifting.

This restoration culminated with a sermon that the Holy Spirit used to remind me, that I - we must not neglect daily individual worship.

Through the sermon, the Holy Spirit reminded me that daily individual worship includes preparation and sacrifice.

Prepare for corporate worship

During my difficult month, I still attended Sunday service and I still led my weekly men's group. Both are good and necessary but I didn't maximize the full benefit of these corporate gatherings because I didn't prepare well.

In the sermon, the pastor spoke about how Abraham prepared to worship God in Genesis 22 and he reminded how even in the New Covenant we can do likewise.

How have I prepared for corporate worship? Lately it's been rolling out of bed and getting YouTube ready to stream on Sundays. Not much of any genuine effort.

Thankfully we don't have to do much to prepare for corporate worship. All we really need is some gratitude and thoughts about the person and works of God.

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."  Psalm 100:4  NKJV

Bring your sacrifice

The pastor also emphasized that the act of worship requires sacrifice. In the Old Covenant this was expected and specific - animals were to be sacrificed according to the Mosaic Law. However with the New Covenant, Jesus' death is the only sacrifice needed for salvation and access to God.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1 NKJV

But we still need another sacrifice. Not for salvation and access to God, but for personal adoration (i.e., worship) of God.

When someone personally presents their sacrifice to God, it shows God that they adore him. And the act of releasing that sacrifice to God is worship.

Now with the New Covenant, our sacrifices aren't limited to the Mosaic Law - we can sacrifice our time, talent or treasure in the name of Christ.

Simply put, if I am going to engage in daily individual worship of God, I must give God something that I possess. If I have time, I'll give Him time. If I have resources, I'll give my resources. If I have a talent, I will use that.

What about you?

It's my hope that if you are in a funk, that you won't let it linger longer than needed. Don't neglect regular corporate worship. And prepare for it well by bringing your own sacrifice to God.