How the Rubik's Cube Change My Life
3 min read

How the Rubik's Cube Change My Life

When I solved the Rubik's Cube for the very first time, I was beyond excited. I had spent two months trying to figure the puzzle out, and now that I did, I was determined to master it.

Over the years, solving a Rubik's cube was more than a hobby for me. It help me to direct my path in life.

Here are 4 ways the Rubik's Cube has changed my life.

It helped me to learn how to teach others

When I learned how to solve the Rubik's cube I understood it was much less a complicated thing but a solvable puzzle. My peers were amazed when they saw me solve it and when I  told them that they can learn too, they didn't believe me.

I would ask them, "Do you know your colors?"


"Do you know how to follow directions?"


"Well then, you can learn to solve the Rubik's cube too. I'll teach you."

One after the other, I would teach my classmates and prove to them that it was possible for them to solve the Rubik's cube too.

I developed the skill of breaking complex ideas into easy actionable steps. By using clear language, I removed confusion and inserted clarity for my peers and was able to give them personalized tips on their journey.

Walking someone through the steps of solving the cube is easy, but my goal wasn't to have them simply solve the cube. In the same way I was personally determined to master the cube, I was also determined to have my new pupils solve the cube by themselves.

This required patience, commitment and encouragement, especially during the early stages.

I would give them smaller goals to master before moving on to the next step. And when they were stuck, instead of giving them the answer, I posed questions for them to answer themselves.

I'd be met with frustration at times but once they realized they were deepening their understanding with each step, their confidence grew.

And I loved that. It was always great to see their eyes light up and I was happy when they learned to solve the cube faster than it took me to learn it myself.

It helped me identify an area of study for college

Solve a Rubik's cube requires algorithms, which are a set a rules to be followed.

Each step of solving a Rubik's cube requires different algorithms. So if you know the correct algorithm for a particular step, you'll solve the puzzle.

Since I understood this as I continued to master solving the Rubik's cube, I found it interesting  that algorithms were mentioned in the description of computer science majors in college.

The concept of algorithms were familiar to me, so I focused on choosing one of these majors and settled on Information Science. I kept this major throughout my four years and chose a career that was consistent with what I learned in the classroom.

It helped me understand how to solve problems for work

When I got into the thick of my career as an IT Business Analyst, I found much success approaching the problems of work as if they were a Rubik's Cube.

Just like the cube, problems at work were complex, much more complex, but solvable. Although I was also battling, imposter syndrome, depression and lack of confidence, I was able to approach my work in a better way by leveraging my experience of solving Rubik's Cubes.

I deepened my understanding of complex technical concepts by breaking it all down into language that I understood - removing confusion and inserting clarity. And piece by piece I was able to put it all together.

It was definitely liberating once I did this and I believe my initial promotions showed that I demonstrated understanding.

But it doesn't stop there.

It's helping me understand that I can apply this to any challenge in life.

Taking on a big, complex or difficult endeavor can be daunting. Like buying a house or having a child. Or maybe a DIY project, or learning taxes etc.

These things can be intimidating and the feelings are very similar to when I was trying to learn to solve the Rubik's Cube for the first time.

But with the confidence gained from learning to solve the cube one step, one algorithm at a time, I realized that I can apply this to any of life's difficulties.

I take it once step at a time and master that one step to build confidence and move on to gain more understanding. I use the resources available to me and I resolve in my mind that I will figure it out.

This proves to be true, time and time again. And I try to remember that if I can solve a Rubik's cube, I solve any problem. And you can too.