Frustration Lifted

Last week I shared about my frustration toward my wife and I must say that I'm feeling a lot better toward her.

I was able to submit a suggestion toward her that would help me in the mornings with our son and she accepted it. Almost immediately I saw a change the next day because she didn't lollygag getting his lunch together. We weren't out the door super fast and honestly it was probably the same time as before, but the difference is that I felt I was heard and considered because of her actions.

My Accountability Partner

This is a prime example about how I have benefited from having a true accountability partner. We talk on the phone every week and it's our scheduled time to share, confess, listen and respond. This regular communication with another brother in Christ helps me to be a better disciple, husband and father - my 3 primary roles.

It was actually happened that the day I worked thing out with my wife was the same day I spoke with my accountability partner gave. He advised that I initiate the conversation with my wife by asking an honest question in a genuine way. He helped me to anticipate her possible answers so that I would have a plan for how to best respond.

This helped me to be better prepared to have a conversation with my wife instead of complain to her.

The Reminder

In my recent conversation my accountability partner also reminder me to pray for my wife and my concerns about her. I'll be honest, my natural reaction is to just complain to myself or God or others about my wife. But we all must not forget the power of prayer.

Prayer does make a difference because it can influence God. Moses is a great example of this too. (Psalm 106:23) And also God encourages us and expects us to pray to him. Prayer is a way of deepening our relationship with our heavenly Abba and gives him a chance to walk with us through life's circumstances in an intimate way.

Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them. Psalm 106:23 ESV

My 3 Roles

I'm thankful for my accountability partner and believe everyone needs one for a number of reasons. This isn't just for Christ followers either, this is for all people who have a desire to become a better version of themselves.

Having an accountability partner helps us to stay on track with that desire. For me it goes back to my 3 primary roles: Disciple of Christ, Husband and Father. I want to be better version of these three everyday.