Free Write: Tithing and Giving
1 min read

Free Write: Tithing and Giving

So I want to publish my thoughts on biblical giving for the new covenant disciple. I'd imagine that this will be another long form article and analysis though because it is such a hot topic in the Christian community.

There are plenty of videos and sermons on the topic  and as a consumer of these arguments, I can easily just agree with whoever is speaking. This is why I want to publish my own thoughts based off my own research and prayer.

Having the Church be thoroughly equipped is a passion of mind. I want to see the church informed fully - educated in the things of God properly. And I do believe that I have been gifted with the spiritual gift of teaching, so it is in my convictions that I should be one to teach people of the Church this topic.

My initial thoughts on this topic pulls from both sides of the argument but I have more questions than answers. I try to lean toward being generous to God but out of a genuine desire - not trying to adhere to a law.

Well, I'd say my next steps are to start listing out my current knowledge, questions and prayers and perspectives out there. Thinking about it right now is making me excited to embark on this topical study. I just need to make time and Nike.