My favorite newsletters

When it comes to starting something new the hardest thing to do is start. But it's helpful to have a template, model or mentor to get you going.

This is true with my blog.

Often times I find myself with a desire to write but don't know what to write. Thankfully I do have a model- well a few models to mimic when I'm at a lost for content to write.

My favorite are Ali Abdaal's "Sunday Snippets" and YNAB's "Weekly Roundup". These aren't really blogs but are newsletters and I look forward to them.

I appreciate Ali's approach now, because they start with something he's learned and wants to share. Lets say, maybe 300-500 words and then the end of the newsletter is a collection of links to different content. But it isn't just links - he provides a summary or tidbit of why it's helpful so the reader can decide if they want to dive deeper into it.

Last year I began my newsletter mimicking YNAB's approach. It begins with a welcome paragraph, followed by a fun multiple choice quiz question and then links to 3 pieces of content from YNAB. At the bottom of the email is answer to the quiz and a fun related fact. They have fun pictures a short description and a link to the content.

Both of these newsletter formats are beneficial to me because I find something of value that I can learn from and appreciate. It also isn't a huge lift to consume either so I can scan it quickly if needed.

For my blog I want to get away from the temptation that I must be consistent with weekly posting. I'm not there at the moment. But I definitely have a desire to organize my thoughts and ideas and share them with others through writing.

So what will I do? Well I guess I can take a tip from Ali and do what I can to get a system in place to write more. I will also need a pool of thoughts to pull from so I getting back into reading is a must. But I think allotting 15 minutes to get my fingers on the keyboard to type is a start.

I can do this.

I will do this.

I AM doing this.

And it will get better.

Lord please help me.