Millennial Men and Mental Wellness
1 min read

Millennial Men and Mental Wellness

Millennial Men and Mental Wellness
Photo by Warren Wong / Unsplash

Inside we've got some food for thought and and article on rapid logging.

Check it out!

  • How to journal QUICKER and NEATER | A guide to rapid logging (READ)
  • Should Christian Women Work Outside of the Home? (WATCH)
  • Millennial Men and Mental Wellness (WATCH)

How to journal QUICKER and NEATER | A guide to rapid logging

Keeping a journal and reviewing your notes doesn't have to be laborious. In this article I share how rapid logging can make note taking and journal review a pleasurable experience.

Should Christian Women Work Outside of the Home?

This is a great video between a husband and wife on this topic. Honestly, I think the same considerations they give in the video is something that fathers/husband should think about as well.

Millennial Men and Mental Wellness

In this panel discussion, 3 millennial men have a discussion about the importance of mental wellness for black men in America. Throughout the discussion, Dr. Parker also gives simple reflective questions to evaluate your own mental state.