Black Innovators

Last year I had a 365 day black history month calendar and got to learn about amazing Black Americans everyday.

I kept some of the calendar clippings because I didn't want to forget about their efforts. And I figured if I could find a way to repurpose the information it would help me to remember and share with others.

Here are some Black inventors that stood out to me.

Dr. Patricia Bath 👀🥼

  • First African American person to complete an ophthalmology residency
  • First female faculty member of UCLA's internationally renowned Jules Stein Eye Institute.
  • First Black female doctor to receive a medical patent

Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner ♿

  • Patented an adjustable sanitary belt that would help women. When the company found out she was black they thwarted her ability to receive credit
  • However, she still used her talents to invent a serving tray attachment for walkers, a wall-mountable back washer and an accessible toilet paper holder

Lewis H. Latimer 💡

  • Helped Alexander Graham Bell with his plans for a telephone patent
  • Earned patents for himself by improving design of railroad car bathrooms and inventing an early air-conditioning unit

Mark Dean 👨🏾‍💻

  • Holds 3 of IBM's original 9 patents
  • Is the reason why monitors, mice, keyboards and printers are able to communicate with on another

I think these remarkable individuals had a keen eye for identifying ways to improve the lives of people. Their efforts, despite great challenge, should inspire all people to continue to persevere and innovate because there is always room from improvement.