An ACTS prayer
1 min read

An ACTS prayer


Faithful, the same, trustworthy. You God are the Great One of eternity and you never change. You are reliable and I am thankful to know and be known by you. You are worthy of all adoration and acknowledgement simply because you are God period. You are set apart from creation because you are the creator. You cannot be outdone and you will forever be God.


I have taken pleasure in viewing pornography and masturbating which are sins of lust. You have clearly let me know that this is wrong and for that I confess that to you. I also haven't given my wife an opportunity to help me in this area because I have been prideful and bitter about her prior comments concerning this matter. Please forgive me.


  • Thank you for the flexible work schedule that I have with my current company and role.
  • Thank you for my accountability partner's encouragement and exhortation.
  • Thank you for electronics that make writing a little bit easier to do.


Please help me to speak to my wife about covenant eyes and her computer this week.

Please let me and my accountability partners not hold bitterness in our hearts but to release that to you.

I pray that my accountability group would grow in relationship and transparency so that we can grow together as brothers in Christ.

I pray for my neighbor and his mother who was taken to the hospital. I pray for her recovery to be swift and miraculous and that you would increase their faith during this difficult time.