A poem for Elsie

My wife told me that I haven't been too generous with kind and encouraging words. So with our 7th anniversary just 'round the corner I've decided that I'll be intentional with the note that I put in her card.

Instead of a simple dollar store card, this year I got a higher quality Hallmark card. And by "higher quality" I mean that the card stock is a bit thicker so it feels more official. I guess?

On the outside it says "I love you s'more and s'more" and the 'o' in the words s'more are a marshmallow and a chocolate bar. Both have stick arms, hands and legs with big eyes and they're looking at each other.

The inside of the card reads "Happy Anniversary" with the marshmallow and chocolate bar hugging with a pink heart above them.

As usual I have plenty of space to write a note, but instead of a typical note - I written a poem.

Shot out to Chat GPT to help come up with ideas and initial content! Even though I got AI help the poem is definitely uniquely written by me. I'm actually very pleased with how it came out.

Here it is. I've titled it "DEVOTED "which is a seven letter word and the poem has precisely 7 lines. 😉

A seven-letter word to describe my wife,
A very loving and loyal radiant light.
Through thick and thin, she remains in view,
Like marshmallows, soft and comforting too.
Her embrace, like cocoa, warms my core.
Happy 7 years Elsie!
I love you smore, and Smore and SMORE!

I also labeled the chocolate and marshmallow "ME" and "YOU" for a little personalization and closed it with "Love, Timmy".

I think I did aight!

But that isn't all. Instead of placing her name on the envelope, I wrote "Do you know what today iiiis??" enclosed with musical notes to reference lyrics from "Anniversary" a song by Tony Toni Tone.

This is just one part of her gift and as I write this I'm still thinking about what else to include. Maybe some chocolate and marshmallows and graham crackers? I can eat the chocolate and she the marshmallows and we can both share the graham cracker!

Now I'm a little hungry haha! But I think I've got something good to work with.