2 min read


This month I've decided to take my writing more seriously.  It's June 2023 and I've revived my monthly log in my bujo (bullet journal). It's a simple style on the minimal side of things. I've got a vertical calendar that is broken into sections to divide each week of the month horizontally. And on the right side of the calendar I've got a habit tracker.

Currently I've got 3 habits that I'm tracking to establish in my daily routine.

  • Read, Listen or Recite the Bible
  • Pray with intention
  • Write a blog post with at least 500 words

For my writing habit, I've chosen 500 words because it's short enough to accomplish with a free write but long enough to get my thoughts flowing.

I want to write more. I've had this desire for some time and I'm glad I'm creating a habit of writing more. I realize that I've got much to learn about writing in general but I absolutely love organizing my thoughts with words on a page.

I've heard John Piper say that "writing is thinking" and I'd have to agree with him. It's through writing and rewriting that I've been able to understand complex concepts for work and there is a sense of accomplishment when doing so.

Writing is also communication, of course. And I believe that people best communicate when they have their ideas well organized. I don't see any better way to organize thoughts than by writing them down and working through them by thinking and rewriting - asking questions and writing some more and so on.

So my June 2023 habit to write at least 500 words of a blog post isn't for any but me. I'm trying to establish a strong habit and get my reps - so to speak - so that I can better communicate future ideas and such.

I'm enjoying it so far. And with the help of my bujo I should also have something to write about.

Some topics that I would like to write about are the main topics of this blog, books and christian living. Journaling was a topic, but since I went on a 6-month haitus, I'm not sure if I really want to blog about journaling. But perhaps I still will because I know thinking through my journaling approach could be very beneficial for me to refine that discipline. Also I can share my thoughts with others.

I think it would be helpful to draft blog ideas to write about, and when the opportunity arises I can share the post with folks that ask me about my journaling practice, thoughts on christianity and books that I've read. As I type this out now, I'm actually getting more excited about it.

I'm reminding myself that this is a hobby and doesn't have to be a money making engine and I'm feeling liberated to just write freely. Well I've reached my 500 word goals for today so I'll wrap this up now.